Thursday, April 12, 2007

What is Style? Part 2

After a number of assignments in which we’ve observed the various styles in writing, language, technique, illustration, and other elements, I’ve decided that the simple word “style” envelopes a broad range of ideas. However, to be more specific, I would say that style is the way in which writers allow their personality to shine through their writing. We all have our own way of doing things, especially when it comes to writing, and this idea of style is what makes writing so interesting; various styles allow us to appreciate the diversity and differences in all writers. It’s also interesting that oftentimes our own individual style goes unnoticed until it is brought to our attention by others-essentially, style occurs naturally in many cases. Yet, as we’ve noticed in many assignments, like the visual rhetoric essay and readings, style can be very intentional and purposeful. In a word, style is individuality.

If I were asked what I learned from ENG 328, I would say that I learned to understand and appreciate new writing techniques and concepts that I had been unfamiliar with prior to taking the course. For example, I had never taken the time to think about writing as a technology, the enormous value of something so simple as a pencil, nor the complex thought and planning that goes into writing and illustrating a comic strip. I also learned that there is more to writing than putting words on a piece of paper in the form of 5 paragraphs. This was refreshing since so often in college, we students are often forced to produce endless amounts of seemingly meaningless jargon that will soon be forgotten after it is turned in for a grade. The course allowed me to take the time to think of writing in a new light, and as a future English teacher I value those experiences and hope that it will help me be a more innovative and creative teacher of writing.

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